We partner with clients to optimize and maximize the success of their M&A endeavors. We offer our clients unmatched expertise in transactions and integration, supported by comprehensive industry knowledge. Our focus is on improving institutional M&A capabilities. We aim to strengthen M&A programs with a long-term sustainable view

How we help our clients

We collaborate closely with our clients to develop a transparent M&A blueprint that expedites progress toward strategic objectives

M&A Strategy & Due Diligence

Comprehensive outlook on Mergers and Acquisitions
Comprehensive outlook on Mergers and Acquisitions
We assist organizations in achieving impactful growth transformations, enabling companies to deliver significant value both now and in the future

Long Term, Un-biased and Objective View
Long Term, Un-biased and Objective View
Our insights, assist clients in evaluating the effectiveness of M&A programs in-line with their strategies, promoting growth, and delivering value to shareholders. We assist clients in assessing the effectiveness of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) programs in aligning with strategies, fostering growth, and delivering value to shareholders

Deep understanding of the value at stake
Deep understanding of the value at stake
Success in M&A programs necessitates precision in identifying optimal targets at the most favorable valuations. Our M&A blueprints are meticulously designed to reflect the unique competitive advantages of our clients, taking into account market and regulatory trends. We assist clients in seamlessly integrating the technical principles of valuation into their strategic decision-making, M&A approaches, and managerial practices

Separations & IPOs

In instances where regulatory requirements or strategic factors require divestments, we assist clients in efficiently and smoothly managing these separations.We provide support by assessing portfolios and market timing to guarantee that all divestitures—whether selling carved-out businesses to corporate or financial buyers, executing a spin-off to current investors, or conducting a sale in public markets to new investors—are integrated into a comprehensive end-to-end plan aligned with long-term strategy

Divestiture strategy
We assist clients in readiness for divestitures by evaluating their portfolio and asset boundaries and crafting an equity-value narrative for the transaction. Additionally, we aid clients in structuring the governance and organization of the new entity
Separation execution
We assist in driving the disentanglement plan, drafting transition services agreements, and preparing organizations and leadership teams for the separation process
NewCo design
For spin-offs and IPOs, we collaborate in developing a NewCo operating model and organizational structure, focus on talent retention and selection, and devise a strategy for shaping internal communications and the culture of the new entity throughout and following the separation process
Divestiture management
We facilitate the establishment of the SteerCo, establish a Divestiture Management Office, and develop communication and change-management strategies, collaborating with advisors as required
Transaction enablement
We provide comprehensive support throughout the planning and execution phases, ensuring adherence to all necessary technical specifications and requirements

Transaction enablement

We provide comprehensive support throughout the planning and execution phases, ensuring adherence to all necessary technical specifications and requirements

Public offerings

We craft a compelling strategy aimed at maximizing value. Design capital-market strategies and assess optimal timing and structure for IPOs. We assist clients to prepare for financial markets, encompassing IPO project management, business plans, valuations, financing strategies, listing documents, and analyst and road-show presentations and also help to establish capabilities essential for sustained success in capital markets

Joint Ventures & Alliances

We partner with clients to address the most critical success factors

Long-term value creation
We assist clients in defining the strategic rationale for partnerships and identifying suitable partners. Additionally, we aid in determining the desired outcomes, tracking progress, and making necessary adjustments to ensure alignment of strategy, value, and goals for all involved partners
Crafting a partnership goes beyond legal documentation; it requires a mutual understanding of contributions, operating approaches, boundaries, and key criteria for managing the partnership. We assist clients in establishing governance models that steer ventures toward their desired outcomes
Long-term monitoring
Less than a quarter of Joint Ventures (JVs) accomplish all their initial goals, with nearly 70 percent facing obstacles within the first three years. We assist clients in conducting regular monitoring and "health checks" to enable adjustments to operating models and objectives, ensuring alignment with the needs of all JV partners
Operating model
Operationalizing partnerships can be the most challenging phase, requiring a unified culture, joint road map, and collaborative management of talent, assets, and processes. We help clients develop cohesive operating models for their ventures, often complemented by transition-services agreements